<B>You must withhold food for 24 hours</B> and then gradually start a bland diet. If at any time the dog becomes worse please see your veterinarian.
If your dog has been vomiting continually for more than 1 hour or if he has been vomiting on and off for 24 hours, it is severe and you should bring him in to see the doctor.
Vomiting can have lots of causes. Sometimes the cause can be straightforward. An easy indication maybe what was the pet's last meal.
<B> Sometimes the consistency of the vomit may indicate what's wrong.</B>
? Undigested food-1.food poisoning 2. Anxiety, 3.simply overeating
? Strong odor-intestinal obstruction.
If no vomiting occurs in 24 hours, then you can try and give some ice cubes followed by water. If no vomiting occurs, then give a small amount of a bland diet. If the dog continues to vomit, call your veterinarian.
<B>What to do for dog vomiting<B>
1. <B>withholding food for 24 hours.</B>
2. <B>Feed a bland diet</B>, consisting of 2/3 rice, sweet potato or oatmeal and 1/3 of the meal should be well cooked non-fatty meats like chicken.
3. Feed only 1/2 of the normal amount of food at a time. Or you can feed several small meals until the vomiting has subsided.
Find out what additional steps you can take to help your sick dog at <a target="_new" href="http://www.free-online-veterinarian-advice.com">http://www.free-online-veterinarian-advice.com</a>
You can submit a question to the veterinarian by clicking here <a target="_new" href="http://www.free-online-veterinarian-advice.com/askavet.html">http://www.free-online-veterinarian-advice.com/askavet.html</a>
Chris Suckow, DVM, currently lives and works in Los Angeles.